Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why believe blindly?

Why people just believe, as true the single aspect of the picture, whether it is accurate or not? None is bothered to look for the further perspective; just ingest to what they have been inculcated; no one yet tries to envisage that all such talk can be an ambush; ensnare to target you and all. Blind are, you and I.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

One of my Fav!

This is one of favourite tunes which certainly belong to one of my loved movies :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

A game of Ludo :)

It all began once again from 18th August, 2K10. The older memoirs appeared before me. I can’t enjoy those aged memories in reality but I can undoubtedly and certainly make them take place yet again. I savored all earlier happenings once again. The present play time can’t be elucidated in these mere words. The feeling I get when I play with my siblings; the mood is higher than the skies; the sensation is inexpressible; and the reaction of everyone is purely worth witnessing.

Whenever I engage in recreation with my loved ones, it’s by no means about winning or losing, however if you win, it is a fun experience.

I pray that the whole homeland and its dwellers will soon cherish a better environment and treasure they deserve. Aameen.

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

14th August, 2010

14th August – It’s not just an independence day. It’s a feeling we should feel. It’s a history we should reminisce and should not let go all the sacrifices in vain made by those who stood for this land till their deaths. We should not forget our brothers and sisters shattered at this hour. But this present would soon pass and become the part of the past, and we will write a new history and make a new future, beautiful for all and one, Pakistanis. Pakistan Zindabaad!

At this hour of need we all have to play a part, if can’t do anything physically then we can as a minimum act spiritually and can pray for all our brothers and sisters. May Allah bless us all. Aameen.